None of us has ever experienced or even thought of such a pandemic which we all are facing today. Everyone is affected by this in some or the other manner regardless of the time, place and work. Yes ,when we say we stand together we mean that we are there for each other in good times as well as in such odd times too. Stiloma,supplier of the basic raw materials to various industries supporting our daily life system.By ensuring the safety of all and at the same time being operational to keep the industries running is our motto for now. In the time of crisis we stand together for new opprtunities and growth of the mankind. We are responsible for the utmost care and well-being of our people, partners, stake holders.and the community. We know we all are a part of this work cycle together and today we all pledge to stand by each other.As per the advisory of various health departments we take proper measures and precautions to prevent the spread of the virus among our people and society at large.